Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

11 times expectations did not align with reality

1. When these spooky cookies did not turn out like they were supposed to

5l7RRVO Source: Imgur

2. When 100% juice meant 27% juice


3. When the biscuits didn’t exactly turn out as you’d hoped

expectations1 Source: Imgur

4. When the deceptive Royal Dansk biscuit tin fooled you





Damn you, Danish butter cookies.

5. When the pizza box essentially Catfish’d you

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6. When your fake nails weren’t as glam as you’d hoped

nailsSource: caniffskians/Twitter

7. When the letter clearly labelled "not junk mail" was nothing but junk mail

hIouaTn Source: Imgur

8. When your opened you "full" bag of crisps only to find it was basically half empty

crisps Source: Antonte Rodwell/Twitter

9. When Red Bull did not give you wings

6pJE5iW Source: Imgur

10. When the baby carrier got, er, messy

expectations2 Source: Muy Bastos

11. When the Spiderman costume turns out to be a little tight

v3030lE Source: Imgur

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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